Is changing your mind ok?
It depends.
If you have received no new information, and done no additional thinking:
This is not a good time to change your mind. To do so would imply a lack of commitment to your previous decision. It makes you inconsistent and unpredictable, which makes you hard to work with.
If you have received no new information, but you have done additional thinking:
If you've thought more about something and you've come to a different decision, that's important. More thinking should lead to a better decision. Have the courage to admit that your previous decision did not have the level of consideration that your new decision has.
If you have received new information, requiring additional thinking:
With new information in hand, you need to reconsider your previous decisions. To refuse to do so would be very misguided. Including the new information in your decision-making process may lead to a new decision, or it may lead to the same decision you made before. Either way, you need to consider it, and you need to address the new reality.
I'm not preaching to you - I'm reminding myself. Sometimes our culture holds "staying the course" in too high regard, discouraging people from changing their minds, even when they should. This leads to stubbornness and denial, and that hurts us all.