eCommerce Platform for Growth
Designed for Flexibility
After three years of building a dedicated developer following, the open-source Slatwall ecommerce platform was ready to scale up its marketing efforts. They wanted to start off on the right foot.
We were asked to facilitate some internal workshops to clarify their positioning. We identified needs-based audience segments. What they had in common was a need for flexibility. This was the point of alignment - Slatwall had been designed for flexibility from the ground up. So whether a client needed to upgrade from home-grown ecommerce, or needed to integrate a better commerce component into a larger enterprise ecosystem, Slatwall could explain why it was a great solution. We helped them define the value propositions for each audience, got their message map started, and ultimately wrote some copy for their new website.
Today, Slatwall continues to grow as a commerce platform that eliminates barriers and empowers its customers to grown their businesses.